Halloween Parties and Parade – Oct 31

Ghosts, Pumpkins and Candy time of year…We are kicking the night off with classroom parties and an all school parade.

Class Halloween Parties1:30-2:15
Parties will be held on Monday, Oct 31st. All volunteer slots are full, thank you for your support.

All School Parade (outside on the playground) 2:20-2:40
All parents are invited to come and watch the Mill Creek student Halloween parade following the classroom parties. Each grade will participate in the parade around the playground. Parents watching should park across the street. Students will return to class after the parade for normal school departure.

Costumes can be worn during the school day on Monday, October 31st. Please keep a few things in mind when helping your student select a costume:

1. Costumes will be worn the entire school day. Please choose a comfortable costume that will not distract from learning throughout the day. Please save large or inflatable costumes for other festivities!
2. Costumes must be school-appropriate. Please ensure there are no weapons, blood, excessively scary, or obscene costumes worn to school.
3. Simple is best! Choose a costume that doesn’t have accessories that could be lost during the school day. Save the extras for Trick or Treating!
4. Costumes are optional. There is no need to wear a costume if you don’t want to!

Have a safe and fun Halloween!

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